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作者:钟明天1 2  蚁金瑶1  凌宇3  朱熊兆1  姚树桥1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究中心  湖南长沙 410011 
 广东省深圳市精神卫生中心  广东深圳 518020 
关键词:情感强度 信度 效度 

目的:建立简式情感强度量表(Short Affect Intensity Scale,SAIS)的中文版,并检验其信、效度。方法:831名大学生完成了SAIS等量表,有63人完成120张情绪图片的愉悦度和唤醒度的评分,另有91人间隔1个月第二次完成了SAIS。结果:SAIS中文版的Cronbach'sα系数总量表为0.86,三因子分别为0.86、0.75和0.84;条目间平均相关系数总量表为0.30,三因子分别为0.43、0.32和0.46;间隔1个月的重测信度总量表为0.83,三因子分别为0.79,0.82,0.85;各因子间的相关系数在0.39~0.62之间;正性情感强度与正性图片愉悦度及唤醒度的得分均存显著正相关,负性情感强度与负性图片的愉悦度显著负相关,而与负性图片的唤醒度得分显著正相关。验证性因素分析的指标:GFI为0.93,ACFI为0.92,CFI为0.95;RMSEA为0.045;条目对因子负荷系数在0.39-0.84之间。结论:简式情感强度量表中文版具有良好的信、效度,适用于我国大学生的情感强度评估。

Objective: To develop a Chinese version of Short Affect Intensity Scale(SAIS) and examine its reliability and validity.Methods: A sample of 831 undergraduate students finished SAIS and other scales,91 of them finished the SAIS twice,and 63 of them gave scores to the valence and arousal of 120 affective pictures.Results: The Cronbach's α coefficient of the SAIS was 0.86;the mean inter-item correlation coefficient was 0.30;the test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.83.The correlation coefficients among the three factors ranged from 0.39 to 0.62.The GFI(0.93),ACFI(0.92),CFI(0.95) and RMSEA(0.045) all met the criteria for adequacy of fit.Conclusion: The Chinese version of the SAIS is a reliable and valid measure for assessing affect intensity in Chinese undergraduate students.


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