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作者:张奇勇  李庶泉 
单位:扬州大学教育科学学院  江苏扬州225002 
关键词:家庭教养 自我效能感 社交焦虑 同伴关系 路径分析 


Objective:examine the path through which parenting style impacted on peer relationship.Methods:EMBU,GSES,SASC and peer nominations were used to survey elementary school children from the forth grade to thesixth.Results:Two unsaturated recursive models had good model fit and all regression weights were significant.There exitedsignificant differences in dimensions of EMBU across children’s types.Conclusion:①Self-efficacy and social anxietymediated the relations between parenting style and peer relationship.②The acceptable children have gotten more positiveparenting and self-efficacy than the other children,on the contrary,the problematic children have gotten more negativeparenting and anxiety than the acceptable children.


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