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作者:管健  程婕婷 
单位:南开大学社会心理学系  天津300071 
关键词:刻板印象内容模型 群际情绪-刻板印象-行为趋向系统模型 心理卷入 


Objective:The present research,consisting of a pilot study and two co-relational studies,investigated howstereotypes and emotions shaped behavioral tendencies toward groups,offering convergent support for the behaviors frominter-group affect and stereotypes map framework.Methods:Pilot Study(N=125) and study 1(N=103) began with SCMquestionnaire to explore Chinese participants’ content stereotype in 32 groups.Study 2(N=112) tested the effects of primingthe relationship involvement.Results:①The results indicated that the Chinese SCM questionnaire was acceptable,2primary dimensions of SCM were competence and warmth;②32 groups were clustered in 4 different types;③In the 32groups,combinations of warmth and competence generated emotions of admiration,envy,pity,and disgust;④When thesubjects were involved,two models of inter-group bias;SCM and BIAS map were changed.Conclusion:This researchprovides empirical support for Chinese stereotype contents,which result from perceived structural relations,in predictingbehavioral tendencies.And then,the study pointed to the stereotype change possibility under priming the relationship involvement.


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