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作者:廖莎1  江琛2  唐秋萍1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅三院临床心理科  湖南长沙 410013 
关键词:SCL-90 PTSD 述情障碍 


Objective:To explore the mental health state and its relationship with alexithymia of officers and soldiers who involved in Wenchuan earthquake rescue.Methods:A cross-sectional study was performed in 116 rescue soldiers and 144 soldiers who didn't have rescue mission.All the 280 soldiers were tested with Symptom Checklist-90(SCL-90),Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Self-rating Scale and the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale(TAS-20).Results:①The factorial scores of psychoticism,paranoid ideation of SCL-90 of the rescue team were significantly higher than those of the non-rescue team.The positive rate of SCL-90 of the rescue team(28.45%) were significantly higher than that of the non-rescue team(15.27%).②The positive rate of PTSD between the two groups was not significantly different,the re-experience factor of the rescue team was significantly higher than that of the non-rescue team.③The multiple linear regression result of SCL-90 and PTSD of the rescue team was found that,DDF and DIF entered the regression equation of SCL-90,and DIF and age entered the regression equation of PTSD.Conclusion:There is a certain degree of psychosomatic symptoms in rescue officers and soldiers after 3 months of earthquake.Their mental health state is moderately correlated with the factors of DDF and DIF.


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