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作者:徐云轩1  吴大兴1  徐远超2  张积标1  彭小虎3 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究所  湖南长沙410011 
 长沙学院心理健康教育中心  湖南长沙410003 
关键词:乐观 悲观 抑郁 人格 结构方程模型 


Objective:study the relationship of optimistic,pessimistic tendencies and depression in university students.Methods:540 university students were collected as sample.They were tested with OPS,EPQ,SDS.Results:TheSDS scores and personality dimensions’ scores of obviously optimistic orientation,obviously pessimistic orientation,unobviousorientation and double orientation were significantly different (F=52.31,P<0.01).And the result of the model fittingindex was:χ2/df was 2.64,NFI was 0.97,CFI was 0.98,GFI was 0.99,TLI was 0.93,RMSEA was 0.06.Conclusion:Theoptimistic orientation is significantly negatively correlated with depression,and pessimistic orientation is positively correlatedwith depression.The personal dimension of extraversion(E),neuroticism(N) may be a mediating variable between optimistic,pessimistic orientation and depression.


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