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作者:聂光辉1  李永鑫2  唐峥华1 
单位:1. 广西医科大学公共卫生学院  广西南宁530021 
 河南大学心理与行为研究所  河南开封475001 
关键词:工作场所欺负 情感承诺 离职意向 


Objective:investigate the relationship among workplace bullying,affective commitment and intention toleave.Methods:Questionnaire investigation was used to collect research data,which were analyzed by correlative analysis,multiple hierarchical regressions and SEMs.Results:①Workplace bullying could negatively predict the employees’affective commitment.②Workplace bullying could positively predict the employees’ intention to leave.③Mediation effectsof affective commitment between workplace bullying and intention to leave was significant.Conclusion:Workplacebullying is a significant predictor of affective commitment and intention to leave,and affective commitment partially mediatesthe effects of bullying on intention to leave.


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