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作者:李丽1  席焕久2  牛志民3  温有锋2  杜雪2 
单位:1. 辽宁医学院心理健康教育教研室  辽宁锦州 121001 
 辽宁医学院人类学研究所  辽宁锦州 121001 
关键词:攻击行为 攻击问卷 男犯 验证性因素分析 


Objective:To revise the Aggression Questionnaire,to examine the reliability and validity,and to provide theoretical basis for Chinese male prisoners.Methods:967 Chinese male prisoners took part in the Aggression Questionnaire survey.Results:①Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the revised Aggression Questionnaire had good construct validity(χ2/df=3.302,GFI、IFI、CFI>0.90,RMSEA=0.049).②The aggressive group had higher scores in all of the four factors than in the normal group.③There were significant relations between questionnaire's items and factors.Correlation coefficient were from 0.568 to 0.752.④Total score's Cronbach α was 0.884.The retest reliabilities including physical aggression,verbal aggression,anger,hostility,and total score's Cronbach α were 0.765,0.608,0.712,0.743,0.783 after six weeks.Conclusion:The revised Aggression Questionnaire has good reliability and validity.


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