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作者:钟明天1 2  蚁金瑶1  凌宇3  朱熊兆1  姚树桥1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究所  湖南长沙410011 
 广东省深圳市精神卫生中心  广东深圳518020 
关键词:D型人格 情绪 强度 认知性调节 


Objective:examine the characteristics of emotion intensity and cognitive emotion regulation in subjectswith Type D personality,and explore what factors affecting the depression.Methods:The Type D Scale-14 (DS14) wasused to screen subjects with Type D personality,and they were compared with the controls in SAIS,CERQ and CES-D.Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the related factors affecting the depression.Results:①Compared withthe control group,subjects with Type D personality got higher scores in negative intensity,while lower scores in positiveintensity.②Subjects with Type D personality had higher scores in negative coping dimension,while lower scores in positivecoping than the controls.③The logistic regression analysis showed that positive intensity,negative intensity,positivecoping and negative coping affected the prevalence of depression in subjects with Type D personality.Conclusion:Subjectswith type D personality have significant negative affect intensity and deficits in cognitive emotion regulation,whichaffected the prevalence of depression.


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