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作者:李悠2  李欢欢1 2 
单位:1. 中国人民大学心理学系  北京100872 
 中山大学心理学系  广东广州510275 
关键词:健康心理学 心理测量学 大学生 自杀 自杀榜样行为 

目的:编制自杀榜样效应认同度量表(Suicide Modeling Effect Acceptance Scale,SMEAS),并检验其信效度。在267名大学生中初测,确定37个条目的正式量表。之后采用分层整群抽样法,随机抽取601名广东省在校大学生进行正式施测。结果:量表共6个因子,分别为:认同、倾向、关注、回忆、交往和理解,共解释方差51.475%。验证性因子分析得出模型拟合指数:χ2=1305,df=614,NNFI=0.92,CFI=0.92,RMSEA=0.066。总量表和各因子的α系数在0.50-0.90之间;量表总分和各因子的重测信度系数在0.77-0.93之间。量表总分与自杀意念问卷(Suicide Ideation Questionnaire,SIQ)总分呈显著正相关(r=0.553,P<0.01),且能有效区分自杀意念的高低分组。自杀榜样效应认同度量表在大学生群体中具有良好的信效度指标。

Objective:develop Suicide Modeling Effect Acceptance Scale (SMEAS) and examine its reliability andvalidity.Methods:After a pretest in 267 college students for determining a 37-item version of SMEAS,a sample of 601college students completed SMEAS.Results:SMEAS was constructed by 6 factors:acceptance,tendency,attention,recall,association and sympathy,explaining 51.475% of the total variance.CFA confirmed that SMEAS had good structural validity:χ2=1305,df=614,NNFI=0.92,CFI =0.92,RMSEA=0.066.The retest reliability and Cronbach’s α reliability coefficientof the total scale were 0.93 and 0.90 respectively.The score of the total scale was significantly correlated with thescore of Suicide Ideation Questionnaire (r =0.553,P <0.01).Conclusion:Reliability and validity of SMEAS correspond topsychometric standard,and it could be used as an effective instrument in the future studies of suicide modeling effect.


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