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作者:李强1  高文珺1  龙鲸2  白炳清3  赵宝然3 
单位:1. 南开大学心理学研究中心  天津 300071 
 天津市安定医院临床心理科  天津 300022 
关键词:自我污名 心理疾病患者 心理疾病内化污名量表 


Objective:To explore the actuality and the effect of mental illness self-stigma.Methods:206 people with mental illness were taken as the participants to finish the questionnaire.Results:The patients were self stigmatized to some extent,and significant differences were found in age and marital state.Multiple regression analysis revealed that life meaningless、stereotype endorsement、value negation and social withdrawal subscales of ISMI could remarkably predict self-esteem,self-efficacy,depressive symptoms,social avoidance and recovery confidence.Logical regression analysis revealed that the stereotype endorsement、social withdrawal and perceived discrimination could significantly predict seeking help behavior.Conclusion:In Chinese culture,the self-stigma of mental illness patients is significantly associated with the factors impeding their treatment and rehabilitation.


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