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作者:庾泳  肖水源  向莹 
单位:中南大学公共卫生学院  湖南 长沙 410078 
关键词:量表 同性恋 态度 信度 效度 


Objective: To develop the attitudes toward gay men and lesbians in Chinese context. Methods : Based on the sex differences in homosexual researches and the three factors of attitude, the initial Scale included two subscales of gay men and lesbians, and selected items from cognition, emotion and behavior; used the initial scale firstly to test 353 college students, then selected items through 4 methods; secondly, investigated 404 college students and 533 community residents with the ultimate scale in order to assess it in reliability and validity, 10 days after the first testing session, 193 students were re-tested. Results: Developed the attitudes toward lesbians and gay men scale of 20 items; the test-retest coefficients of total-scale was 0.959, the Cronbach’ s α coefficient of the total-scale was 0.898, the split-half reliability was 0.912. Factor Analysis indicated there were three components in the scale including moral judgement, emotional reaction, and social communication. Conclusion: The attitudes toward lesbians and gay men scale has a high reliability and a good validity and can be used in researches of the public Attitudes toward homosexual.


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