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作者:李孝明1  汪凯1  吴建贤2  洪永峰2  赵敬璞2  冯小军2  徐梅2  汪敏3 
单位:1. 安徽医科大学医学心理学系 安徽合肥 230032 
 安徽医科大学第二附属医院康复医学科 安徽合肥 230032 
 安徽医科大学第一附属医院康复医学科 安徽合肥 230032 
关键词:脑瘫 推理加工 心理理论 


Objective: To explore the relation between inference processing and theory of mind in children with cerebral palsy.Methods: 35 children with cerebral palsy and 36 normal controls were assessed in the tasks of semantic inference(causal vs.predictive inference),pragmatic inference(simple vs.complex) and theory of mind(second-order false-belief vs.false expectation).Results: There were significant differences between children with cerebral palsy and normal controls in the tasks of inference processing and theory of mind;Hierarchical regression analyses showed that causal inference significantly predicted false belief;predictive inference significantly predicted false expectation;simple pragmatic inference significantly predicted false belief and false expectation;complex pragmatic inference significantly predicted false expectation.Conclusion: Inference processing and theory of mind in children with cerebral palsy lagged behind those in normal children,and inference processing was related to theory of mind.


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