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作者:杨文辉  吴多进  彭芳 
单位:湖南师范大学心理学系 湖南长沙 410081 
关键词:抑郁 贝克抑郁量表第2版 信度 效度 验证性因素分析 


Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Beck Depression Inventory-Ⅱ(BDI-Ⅱ) of Chinese first-year college students.Methods: A convenient sample of 972 college students in their first year completed the Chinese version of BDI-Ⅱ and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale(CES-D),and 65 students received the retest of the BDI-Ⅱ after 1 week.Results: The Cronbach alpha coefficient of BDI-II was 0.85.The intercorrelations of 21 items ranged from 0.08 to 0.39,and item-total correlations ranged from 0.34 to 0.57(Ps0.05).The test-retest coefficient was 0.73(P<0.01).BDI-II total score was related with the CES-D total score(r=0.70,P<0.01).The goodness-of-fit indices of confirmatory factor analysis were found(IFI=0.967,CFI=0.967,χ2/df=3.820,RMSEA=0.054) for the two-factor structure model of cognitive-affective and somatic depressive symptoms.Conclusion: The Chinese version of Beck Depression Inventory-Ⅱ shows good reliability and validity,and could be reliably used as a self-administer inventory to assess depressive symptoms for Chinese first-year college students.


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