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作者:张秀军  孙良  于玉领  沈琼  张志华  崔光辉  张栋栋  孙业桓 
单位:安徽医科大学公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学系  安徽 合肥 230032 
关键词:农村 老年人群 社会支持 家庭功能 


Objective:To study the possible associations between loneliness, family function and social support in rural elderly people. Methods:A sample of 5652 elderly people were surveyed using the UCLA-Loneliness Scale, the Social Support Rate Scale and the FAD (Family Assessment Device). Results:The present study revealed that the loneliness mean and standardized score of elderly people were 41.92 and 52.40 respectively. The level of loneliness was significantly different in subjects’ age, marital status and income, family size and education level. Social support and family function were significantly negatively associated with loneliness. Multiple regression revealed that less social support and poor family function were associated with more loneliness. Conclusion:Loneliness prevails among rural elderly people. Family function and social support are two important factors affecting loneliness.


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