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作者:刘浩鑫1  孟宪璋2 
单位:1. 暨南大学心理健康教育中心  广东 广州 510632 
 暨南大学附属第一医院心理科  广东 广州 510632 
关键词:情绪效价 情绪强度 演绎推理 


Objective: To research the influence of emotional valence and intensity on deductive reasoning. Methods:Physiological psychology experiment was used to measure 72 undergraduates' subjective experience and physiological reactions, when they were watching video screen. In addition, the relationship between emotional valence, intensity and deductive reasoning performance was analyzed. Results: For deductive reasoning, the post test results of negative and high-intensity positive groups were considerably lower than their respective pretest results. Meanwhile, they were much lower than the post test result of the control group. Whereas, in terms of the deductive reasoning of low-intensity positive group,there was no marked difference between the results of the pretest and post test. Neither were the post tests results between the low-intensity positive group and the control group. Conclusion: The negative emotion and high-intensity emotion have adverse impact on deductive reasoning.


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