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作者:张莹1  陈铖1  段家怀1  郭立新1  肖水源2 
单位:1. 解放军第163 医院  湖南长沙 410003 
 中南大学公共卫生学院  湖南长沙 410078 
关键词:军队 医务人员 生活事件 工作满意度 


Objective: To investigate the status of occupational stress and its effects on job satisfaction for military medical staffs. Methods: 300 medical staffs in three military hospitals were selected as subjects. The Life Event Scale(LES) was applied to investigate the occupational stress, Military Psychological Stress Self-evaluation Test(PSET) was used to investigate the stress level, and the level of job satisfaction were measured by a simple self-assessing scale of 0-10 scores.Results: The work and study-event is the main source of the stress for military medical staffs, anxiety level and life events had predicting power to job satisfaction. Conclusion: Military hospital medical staff can improve their job satisfaction by reducing the anxiety level and life events.


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