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作者:郑显亮1 2  张婷1  袁浅香3 
单位:1. 赣南师范学院教育科学学院  江西赣州 341000 
 赣南师范学院教育经济研究中心  江西赣州 341000 
关键词:网络利他行为 自尊 通情 中介作用 


Objective: To investigate the relationships of self-esteem, empathy and college students' internet altruistic behavior. Methods: 587 college students were investigated by Internet Altruistic Behavior Scale of Undergraduates, Selfesteem Scale and Mehrabian' Strait Empathy Scale. Results: ①College students' internet altruistic behavior showed significant gender difference; boys' score was significantly higher than that of girls. ②There were significant positive correlations among self-esteem, empathy and internet altruistic behavior. ③The results of layered regression showed that self-esteem and empathy could significantly predict internet altruistic behavior. The effect of self-esteem on internet altruistic behavior was partially mediated by empathy. Conclusion: Self-esteem can directly affect college students' internet altruistic behavior, and also indirectly influence it through empathy.


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