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作者:程婕婷  管健  汪新建 
单位:南开大学社会心理学系  天津 300071 
关键词:共识性歧视 刻板印象 刻板印象内容模型 偏差地图 


Objective: To investigate the consensual discrimination and different degree of out -group favoritism between the migrants and the residents. Methods: A total of 101 migrants and 101 residents were investigated by filling out Stereotype Content Model Scale and Behaviors from Inter-group Affect and Stereotype Scale. Results: ①Stereotype contents of migrants and residents accord with universal dimensions of social perception in China; ②Lower status-competence with higher warmth of migrants were formed, as well as higher status -competence and lower warmth of residents were done. ③Migrants showed a type of behavior called active facilitation. At the same time, residents were admired by migrants.Conclusion: The duality phenomenon predicts that the existence of out-group favoritism and consensual discrimination were in the stereotype of the migrants and the residents, while the discrepancy of cognition level might have some function.


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