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作者:黎亚军1  高燕2  苑春永3 
单位:1. 上海市虹口区教师进修学院  上海 200081 
 郑州市教育局教学研究室  郑州 450000 
 南京政治学院上海校区心理学系  上海 200433 
关键词:文化取向 心理分离 生活满意度 有调节的中介效应 


Objective: To investigate the effect of cultural orientation and psychological separation on adolescents' life satisfaction. Methods: 539 middle school students were measured with scales. Results: ①Collectivist cultural orientation had significant and positive predictive effects on life satisfaction, and psychological separation partially mediated the effects of collectivist cultural orientation on life satisfaction. ②The mediating effect of psychological separation was moderated by gender: only in the female group, psychological separation partially mediated the positive effect of collectivist cultural orientation on life satisfaction. Conclusion: Psychological separation partially mediated the relationship between collectivist cultural orientation and life satisfaction, which was moderated by gender. The effect of psychological separation has moderated mediating effect on adolescents' life satisfaction.


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