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作者:唐秋萍1  苗冰1  冯岩2  潘辰1  邓云龙1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅三医院心身健康研究所  长沙 410013 
 北京四中网校吴江分校  苏州 215200 
关键词:自杀意念 冲动性 住院患者 


Objective:To explore the relationship between suicide ideation and impulsivity in inpatients in general hospital. Methods:Chinese Version of Barratt Impulsivity Scale, suicidal ideation assessment and Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview(MINI) were used in 708 inpatients. Results:①The incidence of past suicidal ideation was 10.5%, and the prevalence rate of current suicidal ideation(within one month) detected by MINI was 4.8%. ②The total score and the score of motor impulsiveness of BIS-11 in inpatients with history of suicidal ideation were significantly higher than those without history of suicidal ideation. ③Multi-factors Logistic regression analysis showed that motor impulsiveness, gender had significant predictive effecst on suicidal ideation. Possibility of suicidal ideation in inpatients with high scores of motor impulsiveness was 3.01 times as in those with low motor impulsiveness score. ④Compared to inpatients with current suicidal ideation, higher motor impulsiveness was found in inpatients with history of suicidal ideation. Conclusion: Motor impulsiveness may be an important predictor of suicidal ideation in patients in general hospital.


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