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作者:李彩娜1  党健宁1  王武1  贾锐2 
单位:1. 陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 
 西安文理学院  西安 710065 
关键词:高/低依恋回避 注意偏向 注意警觉 注意回避 


Objective: To explore the effects of adult attachment on attention. Methods: This study utilized a spatial cuing task, in which the SOA was set at 550ms and three different types of lexical information(attachment-related, emotion-related, neutral) as experimental materials. All participants were selected by ECR(Experiences in Close Relationship) and assigned into high or low attachment avoidant group based on their ECR scores. Results: The results revealed that participants with low avoidant attachment showed significantly shorter response latencies when the lexical cue was"attachmentrelated"relative to"neutral"on valid trials and took marginally significant longer response time when the cue was"emotion-related"relative to"neutral"on invalid trials; By contrast, participants with high avoidant attachment took marginally significant shorter response time when the cue was"attachment-related"relative to"neutral"on invalid trials. Conclusion: These findings suggest attentional bias in low avoidant attachment individuals may reflect a vigilance against the attachment-related information, namely having a tendency to seek closeness; while attentional bias in high avoidant attachment individuals may reflect a selectively attentional avoidance from the attachment-related information, hence they may be more easily disengaged from the attachment-related and less affected by the attachment-related lexical cues.


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