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作者:顾寿全1  奚晓岚2  程灶火1  吴正国2  王国强1 
单位:1. 南京医科大学附属无锡精神卫生中心  无锡 214151 
 江南大学  无锡 214122 
关键词:大学生 大五人格 心理健康 


Objective: To investigate the relationship between big five personality and mental health. Methods: 5765 students were tested by NEO-FFI and PSI-100. Results: The scores of agreeableness and extroversion for male students were significantly lower than female students( t =-9.280~-6.110, P <0.001); The dimension scores of the PSI-100 for male students was significant higher than female students( t =4.022~11.272, P <0.001); The scores of agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, extroversion had significantly negative correlations with the score of mental health( r =- 0.134~-0.449, P <0.01), while the scores of neuroticism had significantly a positive correlation with the score of mental health( r =0.213~0.557, P <0.01). Conclusion: Agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness are the most powerful influential factors on mental health, agreeableness and conscientiousness have significantly positive influence on mental health, and neuroticism has significantly negative influence on mental health.


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