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作者:丁道群1  张湘一1  李彬1  陈锡友2 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教育科学学院  长沙 410081 
 长沙市实验中学  长沙 410001 
关键词:低自尊 注意偏向 点探测任务 呈现方位 


Objective: Using a dot-probe paradigm, to find the influence of different positions and materials on attentional bias to rejective information in low self-esteem subjects. Methods: 20 students were selected by using the SES scale and were required to execute a dot-probe task with social rejection cues. Results: The result showed that the response time to social rejection cues was significantly longer than that of neutral stimuli in low self-esteem subjects. Compared with top- bottom position, left-right position is more sensitive in probe detection task to distinguish subjects’attentional bias. This trend was more significant when emotional face was used as stimuli, suggesting students with low-esteem was more sensitive to emotional face than words. Conclusion: These findings suggest that attentional bias in low self-esteem participants may reflect a difficulty in disengaging from rejecting information. Word presented in left-right position is the best way in probe detection task to distinguish subjects’attentional bias. Moreover, the facial expression pictures were more sensitive materials than words to the attentional bias in low self-esteem participants.


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