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作者:许丹1  李强2 
单位:1 浙江工业大学心理学系社会和谐与心理健康促进研究中心 杭州 310023 
 南开大学社会心理学系 天津 300071 
关键词:心理咨询师 职业选择 个人经历 职业动机 创伤 


Objective: To investigate the influencing factors of the career choice for psychological counselor. Methods:A survey was conducted among psychological counselors, teachers and engineers with"Influences on Becoming a Thera-pist-Revision" (IBT-R) questionnaire, which coveres personal experience and career motivation. Results: Compared toteachers and engineers, the scores of psychological counselors were significant higher on frustrating life, interpersonal alien-ation, family troubles, self and interpersonal harmony and professional altruism(Ps<0.001), but lower on Professional Modeland(P<0.001). And psychological counselors presented higher socres on the occupational rewards and pursuit of excellence(Ps<0.001), but lower interpersonal involvement than teachers(P<0.001). Conclusion: Experience of trauma, motivation ofself-help and helping others are distinct factors, which influences the career choice of psychological counselors. Encourage-ment from significant others, rewards and pursuit of excellence are common factors contributing to their choice confirma-tion. Professional model and wish to involve others' life are not primary factors for their career choice.


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