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单位:湖南商务职业技术学院 长沙 410205 
关键词:大学 适应 学习倦怠 一般学业情绪 


Objective: To explore the mediating effect of general academic emotion between adjustment and learningburnout in college students. Methods: 458 college students were recruited to complete the China College Student Adjust-ment Scale, General Academic Emotion Questionnaire, Learning Burnout Questionnaire. Results: ①Correlation analysisshowed the total score of Adjustment Scale and positive academic emotions are both significantly and negatively correlatedwith all dimensions of learning burnout, while negative academic emotions are significantly and positively correlated withlearning burnout; ②Regression analysis found that, negative low arousal emotions and learning adaptation predicted depres-sion and learning adaptation; Negative low arousal emotions and campus adaptation predicted misconduct, whereas positivelow arousal emotions and learning adaptation predicted low sense of achievement. ③General academic emotion plays a par-tial mediating role between adjustment and learning burnout in University, mediating effects of positive emotions and nega-tive emotions of the total effect ratio were 64.35% and 33.73%. Conclusion: Learning adjustment may protect against thelearning burnout directly and indirectly through the general academic emotion.


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