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单位:中国民用航空飞行学院航空安全保卫学院 广汉 618307 
关键词:自我抽离视角 自我浸入视角 自我参照记忆效应 


Objective: To investigate the effect of two types of self-distanced processing on the self-referential memory.Methods: 66 healthy college students were recruited(36 and 30 college students in Experiment1 and 2, respectively). Ex-periment1 was consisted of two parts. In part one, three orienting tasks were arranged: classic self-referential processing,self-referential processing in self-distanced perspective, and other(Wenjiabao)-referential processing. During each task,participants were asked to make judgment in a scale of 2 points on the current reference object using the trait words dis-played one by one on the computer screen(2 sec/word). In part 2, a surprise recognition test with Remember/Know judgmentwas administered. Experiment 2 was a replication of Experiment1 with a minor modification on self-judgment in self-dis-tanced perspective. Results: Results from two experiments consistently showed that recognition rates and R scores were sig-nificantly higher when trait words were encoded in classic self-referential processing than that for trait words processed inself-distanced perspective. Conclusion: The results suggested that self-referential processing in self-distanced perspec-tive reduced self-reference effect in memory. Different types of self-referential perspective appears to subserve distinct con-tributory processes inherent to self-appraisal decisions, specifically self-distanced perspective mediated cognitive and selfimmersed perspective mediated affective/self-relevance network. Based on the results of the present study, self-referenceeffect in memory might be induced by self-related emotion during self-referential processing.


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