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作者:李小玲1  唐海波2  郭锋1  何浩宇1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  湖南长沙 410011 
 中南大学学工部  湖南长沙 410083 
关键词:抑郁 焦虑 压力 DASS 


This paper briefly describes the theoretical model and the preparation process of Depression - Anxiety -Stress Scale (DASS), focusing on the reliability and validity of DASS in previous studies. Besides, a general discussion is given to the value and practical application which should be noted. The results show that the scale in the identification of individuals with depression, anxiety and stress condition has a high practical value. What's more, it also has good reliability and validity indicators, and can be a suitable tool for rapid screening in research and clinical use. But its cross-community and cross-cultural universal applicability remains to be further verified.


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