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作者:陈芸  钟毅平  周海波  周路平  王小艳 
单位:湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理系  湖南长沙 410081 
关键词:自我 内隐自我正面偏见 自我相关 情绪效价 ERPs 

目的: 在内隐层面上探讨自我相关信息加工与情绪效价信息加工之间的关系,为内隐自我正面偏见的存在提供证据。方法: 以情绪性汉语双字词为材料,采用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和非自我启动情况下,记录被试对情绪字词按正负性质完成归类判断任务时的ERPs,比较自我正面、自我负面、非自我正面、非自我负面四类信息的ERP数据。结果: 内隐层面上,自我相关信息与情绪效价信息在N400波幅上表现出显著的交互作用,相对于自我负面和非自我正面信息来说,自我正面和非自我负面信息诱发的N400波幅更大,即内隐层面上对自我正面偏见范畴内的字词(自我正面和非自我负面)表现出更大的ERP负波。结论: 自我相关信息和情绪效价信息的加工在内隐层面上是密切相关的,且他们之间的关系符合自我正面偏见效应,从而证实了内隐自我正面偏见的存在。

Objective: To investigate the complex relationship between self-reference and emotional valence at implicit level and to find the evidence of implicit self-positivity bias. Methods: Event-related brain potentials were recorded when participants performed emotional judgment tasks (positive/negative) in self or non-self primed conditions, using emotional Chinese words under Supraliminal Attitude-Prime Paradigm. The ERPs were compared among self-positive, self-negative,non-self positive and non-self negative information. Results: ERP waveforms showed an interaction between self-reference and emotional valence in the time range of the N400 component. Larger N400 amplitudes occurred after self-positive and non-self negative words as compared with self-negative and non-self positive words. In a word, the results showed larger ERP negative amplitudes in the words within self-positivity bias. Conclusion: The processing of self-reference and emotional valence are closely associated at implicit level and confirmed the existence of implicit self-positivity bias.


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