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作者:吴明证1  孙晓玲1 2  刘友山3 
单位:1 浙江大学心理与行为科学系 浙江 杭州 310028 
 杭州师范大学心理学系 浙江 杭州 310036 
 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 浙江 杭州 310009 
关键词:外显后果期望 内隐后果期望 吸烟行为 


Objective: To explore the relationships between explicit smoking outcome expectancy, implicit smoking out-come expectancy and smoking behavior. Methods: 85 smokers were assessed by Smoking Consequences Questionnaire,Implicit Association Test, Computation Span Task and Fagerstrm Tolerance Questionnaire.Results: Explicit positivesmoking outcome expectancy was positively related to smoking behavior(r=0.619, P<0.001). Smoking behavior was inversely related to explicit negative smoking outcome expectancy (r=-0.442, P<0.001) and implicit smoking outcome expectancy(r=-0.240, P=0.019). The multiple regression analysis showed working memory capacity moderated the relationship between explicit smoking outcome expectancy and smoking behavior and the relationship between implicit smoking outcomeexpectancy but in the opposite direction. That is, explicit smoking outcome expectancy can predict smoking behavior insmokers with higher levels of working memory capacity ( β =0.567, t=5.112, P=0.000 for positive smoking outcome ex-pectancy; β =-0.290, t=-2.184, P=0.032 for negative smoking outcome expectancy); but in smokers with lower levels ofworking memory capacity, implicit smoking outcome expectancy predicted smoking behavior ( β =-0.690, t=-5.688, P=0.000). Conclusion: Both explicit smoking outcome expectancy and implicit smoking outcome expectancy play importantroles in smoking behavior.


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