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作者:李菲菲1 2  罗青1  周宗奎1  孙晓军1 
单位:1 青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室 华中师范大学心理学院 湖北 武汉 430079 
 郑州一八联合国际学校 河南 郑州 450000 
关键词:羞怯 人际交往困扰 网络交往依赖 


Objective: This study aimed to explore the mediating effect of interpersonal communication disturbancesbetween college students shyness and dependence of online communication. Methods: 878 college students participated inthis study and were asked to complete three questionnaires, including self-designed University Students' Dependence onOnline Communication Scale, Shyness Scale and Relationship Comprehensive Diagnostic Scale. Results: College students'shyness had significant positive correlation with interpersonal communication disturbances and dependence of online com munication, interpersonal communication disturbances had a positive correlation with dependence of online communica tion; interpersonal communication disturbances played a completely mediating role between college students' shyness anddependence of online communication, there were indirect relations between college students' shyness and dependence ofonline communication.Conclusion: Interpersonal communication disturbances plays a completely mediating role betweencollege students' shyness and dependence of online communication.


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