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作者:陈小莉1  戴晓阳2  鲍莉1  王蒙2  刘萌2 
单位:1. 深圳大学师范学院附属中学 广东深圳518000 
 深圳大学师范学院心理学系 广东深圳518060 


Objective:To develop a Solitude Behavior Scale and examine its reliabilities and validities in this study.Methods: The scale consisted of Positive Solitude, Seclusiveness, Social Avoidance and Loneliness subscales. College students (N=534), high-school students (N=252), schizophrenic patients (N=55) and controls (N=55) were administrated. Results: ①The discriminations of most items were satisfactory (above 0.3). ②The Cronbach α of the four subscales were between 0.762 and 0.863; the stabilites of the four subscales were from 0.654 to 0.760. ③The result of EFA for college sample showed the four-factor model explained 44.25% variance and the construct of factors was very distinct. The result of CFA for high school students sample showed χ2/df =1.79, RMSEA=0.05, NFI=0.87, NNFI=0.93, CFI=0.94. ④There were significantly positive correlations (r from 0.318 to 0.821) among Seclusiveness, Social Avoidance and Loneliness subscales with Social Avoidance, Distress Scale and UCLA Loneliness Scale. ⑤Compared with the control sample, the schizophrenic patients obtained significantly lower scores in Positive Solitude subscale, but significantly higher scores in the three subscales of Seclusiveness, Social Avoidance and Soneliness. Conclusion: The Solitude Behavior Scale has good psychometric properties.


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