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单位:河南师范大学教育与教师发展学院  新乡 453007 


Objective:To probe into the relationship between self-construal and subjective well-being in middle school students.Methods:582 middle school students were measured with SCS, SES, PSSS, SWLS and PANAS.Results:①All the correlations between interdependent self-construal, independent self-construal, self-esteem, social support and subjec tive well-being were significant(r =0.19~0.53) except that between interdependent self-construal and self-esteem. ②Indi viduals with high scores on both interdependent and independent self-construal scales were significantly higher in self-es teem, social support and subjective well-being than those with low scores(P<0.001). ③Hierarchical regression analysis and further Sobel tests revealed that social support partially mediated the effect of interdependent self-construal on subjective well-being(Z=3.95,P<0.05), and that social support and self-esteem entirely mediated the effect of independent self-con strual on subjective well-being(Z=2.11,Z=3.59,P<0.05). ④Structural equation model verified the direct effect of self-con strual on subjective well-being and indirect effect through the mediators of social support and self-esteem. Interdependent self-construal could account for 13.2% of subjective well-being covariance directly and 9.4% indirectly through social sup port, with total predictive affect reaching 22.6%. Independent self-construal had no direct effect on subjective well-being and accounted for 14.8% indirectly through social support and self-esteem.Conclusion:Interdependent self-construal could predict subjective well-being both directly and indirectly through the mediation of social support, while independent self-construal only indirectly influences subjective well-being through social support and self-esteem.


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