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作者:刘杨1  李泽1  林丹华2 
单位:1. 北京航空航天大学人文社会科学学院心理系  北京 100191 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 


Objective:To explore the mediation effect of social support and self-esteem between discrimination and subjective well-being in new generation migrant workers.Methods:A sample of 386 new generation migrant workers were selected to complete questionnaire survey.Results:①The new generation migrant workers with the higher education degree got fewer discrimination than those with lower education degree. ②When considering the combined mediation effect of so cial support and self-esteem, the effect of discrimination on the new generation migrant workers' subjective well-being was no longer significan(tβ=-0.05). Self-esteem was also the mediation variable in the social support and new generation mi grant workers' subjective well-being.Conclusion:The effect path of discrimination on new generation migrant workers' subjective well-being is:discrimination→social support→self-esteem→subjective well-being. Compared with social support, self-esteem is a more important mediation variable.


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