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作者:张雯1  张日昇2  王文姬1 
单位:1. 中华女子学院儿童发展与教育学院  北京 100101 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 


Objective:To explore the characteristics of sandplay productions of Pupils with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) tendency, and discuss detailed and special sandplay therapy for ADHD.Methods:27 participants(22 were male, 5 were female) both in experimental group and control group were asked to make an initial sandplay.Results:Compare with the control group, characteristics of sandplay productions of the experimental group were: numbers and categories of sandplay miniatures were larger; sandtray scene was more chaotic and disorganized; sandplay theme was more trauma-related, such as war and car accident, touching sand and working with sand in a more destroyed manner and more furious emotions; making-time was longer, and sandplay productions were displaced more frequently; the sandbox was over flowed by the miniatures to the edge of the sandbox; there were lower integration and liquidity, higher energy and destruc tiveness.Conclusion:Initial sandplay productions could present to some extent mental problems and symptoms of Pupils with ADHD tendency, such as their powerful energy, week self-control, ambiguous ego-boundary and negative emotions,which were very helpful to use sandplay therapy for ADHD.


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