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作者:蒋小娟1  赵利云2  程灶火1 2  刘新民2  杨碧秀1 
单位:1. 南京医科大学附属无锡精神卫生中心   214151 
 皖南医学院  芜湖 241002 


Objective: To explore associations between family parenting styles and mental disorders in child and adolescent. Methods: Using case-control design, 200 child and adolescent patients with psychological and behavioral disorders were drawn from outpatients and inpatients in the Wuxi Mental Health Center, and 200 normal students as control group were sampled from primary and middle schools. All subjects were administered to Psychological Symptom Invento-ry-100(PSI-100) and Family Upbringing Style Questionnaire(FUSQ). Results: The psychological symptom scores of patient group were higher than that of control group on the PSI-100(P<0.01), and the parenting dimension scores of case group were lower than that of control group on the FUSQ(P<0.01). Subject's parenting dimension scores were significantly negatively correlated with psychological symptom scores(r=0.130~0.343, P<0.05). Parent's parenting styles had significantly effect on symptom total scores(R2: respectively for 0.246 and 0.225), and parent's parenting styles had different effects on different psychological symptom dimensions(R2=0.129~0.236). Conclusion: There is significant association between family parenting styles and mental disorders in child and adolescent, and upbringing dimensions have different effects on different mental symptoms.


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