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作者:任芬1 2  潘林3  王孟成4 5  姚树桥5  张建新1 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室  北京 100101 
 中国科学院研究生院  北京 100039 
 中国核电工程有限公司  北京 100840 
 广州大学心理与脑科学研究中心  广州 510006 
 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  长沙 410011 

心理结构是间断的类别还是连续的维度一直是心理学界争议的一个重要问题。用于探索变量类别和维度属性的统计方法有多种,其中由Paul Meehl及其同事开创和发展的类别测量学(Taxometric)分析法在精神病理学和人格心理学研究中使用最多。该方法以切点一致动力学(Coherent Cut Kinetics,CCK)为统计基础,是一组包含十多种程序的程序群,文章介绍了几种常用的分析程序(MAMBAC、MAXEIG和LMode)以及使用过程中需要考虑的问题。文章最后对Taxometric分析法的优缺点进行了简要讨论。

It is obviously significant to distinguish between categorical and dimensional of psychological constructs in many areas of psychological and psychopathological research. Dozens of methods have been proposed for evaluating the latent structure of psychological constructs, one of which Taxometric is the most popular method invented and developed by Paul Meehl and his colleagues, which has been applied to various circumstances, especially in psychopathological and personality research. This article briefly describes several Taxometric methods-Mean Above Minus Below A sliding Cut(MAMBAC), MAXimum EIGenvalue(MAXEIG), and LMode(Latent-Mode factor analysis); meanwhile, it is introduced that careful attention should be paid to some considerations in substantive investigation. The advantages and disadvantages of Taxometric techniques are also under discussion at the end of the article.


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