Objective: To develop an Adolescent Domain Self-worth Scale(ADSW) on the basis of theory of contingency of self-worth. Methods: The constructions of ADSW were based on the domains on which adolescents self-worth were staked, and a convenience sample of 914 Chinese middle school students completed the ADSW and the Rosenberg' s Selfesteem Scale(SES), Face Scale(SWB), and self-reported academic grade. Results: ADSW consisted 45 items of 5 factors, including Ability, Interpersonal Behavior, Appearance, Family Socioeconomic Status(FSES) and Family Relation; the Cronbach' s α coefficients of ADSW and its factors were 0.83~0.93, and the reliabilities of test-retest interval of 2 weeks were 0.68~0.84. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that ADSW had a good construct validity. The correlations of ADSW and its 5 factors with SES, SWB and academic grade were significant except the relationship between FSES and academic grade. Conclusion: The reliability and validity of the ADSW meet the needs of psychometrics.
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