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作者:黎亚军1  高燕2  王耘1 
单位:1 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室 北京 100875 
 郑州市教育局教学研究室 郑州 450000 


Objective: To investigate the relationships between online communication and loneliness of adolescents as well as the moderating role of whether communicating with familiar people, and the mediating role of peer relationship. Methods: 613 middle school students were measured with scales. Results: ① 83.5% adolescents mainly communicated with familiar people online, while other 16.5% mainly communicated with strangers. ②Whether communicating with familiar people served to moderate the effects of online communication on loneliness. There was no significant correlation between online communication and loneliness for adolescents who mainly communicated with strangers. But online communication had significant negative prediction to loneliness for adolescents who mainly communicated with familiar people. Further analysis showed that online communication had indirect effects on loneliness by the fully mediating role of peer relationship. Conclusion: Whether communicating with familiar people serves to moderate the effects of online communication on loneliness. Peer relationship serves to fully mediate the effects of online communication on loneliness.


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