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作者:张喆1  柯铭1  刘光耀3  杨晓萍3  陈旭辉2 
单位:1 兰州理工大学计算机与通信学院 兰州 730050 
 厦门理工学院福建省高校物联网应用重点实验室 厦门 361024 
 兰州军区总医院影像诊断中心 兰州 730000 


Objective: To analyze the default mode network (DMN) and its latent structure of epileptics in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods: The resting-state fMRI data of 15 clinically primary epileptics and 20 normal volunteers were analyzed by independent component analysis. We selected independent component accord ing to the best-sit criterion and analyzed the DMN network of grouping sufferers and normal samples. Finally, we con structed a functional connecting network from the chosen 11 encephalic regions in DMN with graph theory and clustering methods. Results: The encephalic region in DMN of sufferers dramatically fell and their functional connectivity network had obvious change along with the whole network presenting disordered hierarchical structure. Conclusion: The DMN and its latent hierarchical structure of epileptics in resting-state present disordered.


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