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作者:李微1  周郁秋1  李莎莎2  杨金伟1  杨晓晶3 
单位:1 哈尔滨医科大学大庆校区护理学院 大庆 163319 
 湖州师范学院 湖州 313000 
 大庆油田总医院 大庆 163001 

计算机辅助心理治疗(Computer-aided Psychotherapy,CP)是利用计算机网络提供自助治疗,辅以不同程度的治疗师支持,从而达到治疗目的的心理干预方法。相对于面对面心理治疗,CP有一定的特殊性,本文分别从CP的界定,初期适用方法的甄别,适宜对象的筛选,治疗师资质、治疗师服务相关权益的设置,以及焦虑症、抑郁症的计算机认知行为治疗几方面阐述CP的研究进展及现存问题,在此基础上提出研究展望,以期为国内相关领域提供参考。

Computer-aided Psychotherapy (CP) is a new psychological intervention mode which takes the use of com puter network to provide self-service treatment, complementary with different degrees of therapists support and feedback to reach the aim of treatment. Evidence is growing that several CP systems can effectively improve a range of common mental health problems. CP' s efficacy, and encouragement of its dissemination and implementation by some governmental agen cies, has led to its spread as a regular care option. Brief and efficient screening and support greatly reduce attrition. It is becoming increasingly important to conduct research on psychotherapeutic Internet interventions to assist in the develop ment of an appropriate standard of practice regarding interventions in using this new medium. Computerized Cognitive Be havioral Therapy (CCBT) as a supplementary existing treatment option is the most extensive research and application method. This review examines the current state of the therapy and broad applications of CP, respectively summarizes the definition of CP、 initial applicable method、screening of the applicable objects、the guidelines proposed for the conduct of Internet intervention research、the research status of CCBT for psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.


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