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作者:杨会芹1  刘晖1  王改侠2 
单位:1 石家庄学院教育系 石家庄 050035 
 石家庄学院外语系 石家庄 050035 


Objective: To explore the regulative effect of psychological capital on life stress and mental health and pro vide an empirical basis for prevention and early intervention for college graduates with rural registered residence. Methods: 706 college graduates with rural registered residence from Hebei Province were randomly selected, with the LES(Life Event Scale), PCQ (Psychological Capital Questionnaire) and SCL-90 (Symptom Checklist 90) completed. Results: The scores of college graduates' mental health had a positive correlation with that of life stress (Beta=1.192, t=5.626, P<0.001) and no significant correlation with that of psychological capital (Beta=-0.104, t=-1.092, P>0.05); there was a significant interaction between life stress and positive psychological capital on mental health(Beta=-0.872, t=-3.853, P<0.001). Conclusion: Psychological capital plays a positive regulative role in the relationship between life stress and mental health of college graduates with rural registered residence.


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