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作者:陈健1 3  周丽华2 3  燕良轼1  苏林雁2 
单位:1 湖南师范大学心理学系 长沙 410081 
 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 长沙 410011 
 湖南工学院 衡阳 421002 


Objective: To investigate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Cognitive Style Question naire (CSQ). Methods: The Chinese version of CSQ was used to assess 426 college students, 60 of them participated the retest 8 weeks later. Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and Attributional Style Questionnaire(ASQ) were used as the criteriarelated validity instruments. Results: ①Cronbach' s a coefficient of the Chinese version of CSQ was 0.94, test-retest reli ability was 0.59; ②The composite score and the highest score of CSQ had significant correlation with BDI and ASQ which were tested in the same time; ③The correlation of the composite score and the highest score was 0.91. Conclusion: The Chinese version of CSQ has acceptable psychometric quality. The composite score has extensive overlap with the highest score.


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