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作者:赵文1  周雅2  刘翔平3  冉俐雯3 
单位:1 西南科技大学心理咨询中心 绵阳 621000 
 香港中文大学教育心理系 香港 
 北京师范大学心理学院 北京 100875 


Objective: To compare the effectiveness of the AcceptanceandCommitment Therapy (ACT) and the CognitiveBehavior Therapy(CBT) in alleviating depression and rumination.Methods: 27 college students with severe depression and intense rumination were chosen to receive group intervention.Among them 14(8 male, 6 female) participated in a 6session groupadministered CBT and 13(4 male, 9 female) participated in a 6session groupadministered ACT.Participants' depression and rumination were assessed at 3 time points, i.e.one week before the intervention, the day the intervention ended, and 9 weeks after the intervention.Results: Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Model was used to analyze the data.The fixed effects revealed that continuous declines in both depression and rumination were observed in ACT group, while only depression significantly decreased in CBT group.The random effects showed that in ACT group the slope of depression positively correlated with that of rumination, while in CBT group the slopes of these two variables were correlated negatively.Conclusion: These findings suggest that ①CBT may lack longterm effectiveness in curing depression because of its failure in relieving individuals from rumination; ②ACT turn out to excel in both shortterm and longterm effectiveness in curing depression.


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