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作者:李欢欢1 2  涂敏2  王湘3 
单位:1 中国人民大学心理学系 北京 100101 
 中山大学心理学系 广州 510275 
 中南大学湘雅二院医学心理研究所 长沙 410011 


Objective: To explore the effect of depression and exposure to suicide news on suicide modeling behavior of Chinese college students.Methods: A sample of 449 college students completed the Suicide Modeling Effect Acceptance Scale(SMEAS) and SelfRating Depression Scale(SDS).64 subjects were distributed to two groups: exposure to normalized suicide news group (Group 1, n=30), and exposure to nonstandard suicide news group (Group 2, n=34).Results: ①The scores of SDS had significantly positive correlation with scores of SMEAS at 0.01 levels.②Regression analysis showed that the standardized coefficients of depression to suicide modeling behavior was significant ( β=0.379, P<0.001).③Total scores of SMEAS and subscale of recall and attention in group 2 were significantly higher than in group 1 (P<0.01; P= 0.012; P<0.01, respectively).Conclusion:: Both depression and exposure to nonstandard news contribute to suicide modeling behavior.


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