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作者:王晓萍1  朱婷婷2 
单位:1 南京晓庄学院教师教育学院 南京 211171 
 南京医科大学心理健康教育与研究中心 南京 210029 


Objective: To develop Premarital Intimate Relationship Questionnaire(PIRQ) for Chinese people and test its reliability and validity.Methods: Based on literatures review, graduate students and married adults, were interviewed and theory conception and 76 original items were developed.452 graduate students from nine universities of Nanjing who were in the stable intimate relationship, were administered the PIRQ.Item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory analysis and correlation analysis were conducted.Results: ①The Premarital Intimate Relationship Questionnaire included 53 items and three scales: premarital cognitive scale, premarital emotional scale and premarital behavioral scale.②Confirmatory factor analysis had good fit with three scales.Reliability coefficients of Cognitive Scale 、Emotional Scale、and Be havioral Scale were 0.832、0.847、0.900.At the dimension level, three scales of PIRQ had reliabilities ranging from 0.701 to 0.887.The correlation coefficients among three scales and factors ranging from 0.444 to 0.941, The correlation coefficients among three scales and each factor were all higher than correlation coefficients between factors.Three scales of questionnaire (PIRQ) correlated strongly with relevant dimensions of Kansas, The correlation coefficients are 0.574(Cognitive Scale)、0.643(Emotional Scale)、0.453(Behavioral Scale).Conclusion: Premarital Intimate Relationship Questionnaire (PIRQ) have good psychometric indexes, Three scales of the questionnaire, which not only estimates the intimate premarital relationship, but also instructs the practice of premarital counseling.


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