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单位:内江师范学院教育科学学院  内江 641199 
关键词:心理健康 SCL-90 统计合成 中学教师 


Objective:To get the overall and detail results of secondary school teachers' mental health from 2000 to2013 and try to offer national norms of secondary school teachers surveyed by SCL-90 in China.Methods: 91 studies were included, the mean and the standard deviation were statistically synthesized, the significance test were used and the effect sizes were calculated.Results:①The scores of somatization, phobia and anxiety of the secondary school teachers are significantly higher than that of the national norms and the training teachers(P0.001, d0.5 or d0.2 or d0.15).②In the latter 7 years the scores of somatization, psychoticism, phobia and anxiety are much higher than that of the former 7 years(P0.001, d≥0.15).③The male teachers have much more problems on hostility, paranoia and psychoticism than the female teachers in the former 7 years(P0.001, d≥0.15) but in the latter 7 years the female teachers express much more terrorist symptoms(P0.001, d=0.15).④The junior high school teachers express much more symptoms of interpersonal sensitivity and paranoid than the senior high school teachersin the former 7 years(P0.001, d=0.15), but in the latter 7 years there shows no significant differences.Conclusion: Ordinary secondary school teachers' psychological health level is low.The main symptoms are somatization, terror, anxiety and psychotic, and they are getting worse with the years.In the latter 7years, the male teachers' mental health has improved, while the female teachers' and the senior high school teachers' mental health are declined obviously.


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