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作者:李强  徐玮  李凌 
单位:南开大学心理学研究中心  天津 300071 
关键词:心理健康素质 社会支持 心理健康 中介效应 


Objective:To investigate the relationship of elderly mental health quality and mental health, and the mediating effect of social support on this relationship was also examined.Methods: A sample of 364 elderly people(60 years old)are measured by the elderly Social Support Questionnaire, the Mental Health Inventory for elderly and five scales of Mental Health Quality Measurement System which included: the Tenacious Personality Scale, the Interpersonal Constitution Scale,the Emotionality Scale, the Resilience Scale, the Self-Concept Scale.Results:①All five kinds of elderly mental health qualities significantly predicted the mental health.②Significantly positive correlation was found between social support and elderly mental health.3Social support had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between tenacious personality,interpersonal constitution, emotionality, resilience and mental health.Conclusion: The elderly mental health quality affects their psychological health directly, but also directly via the influence of social support.


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