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作者:董超群1  巩树梅2  邓光辉3  辛松建4  刘晓虹2 
单位:1. 温州医科大学护理学院  温州 325035 
 第二军医大学护理学院  上海 200433 
 第二军医大学  心理与精神卫生学系  上海 200433 
 温州医科大学附属第二医院康复科  温州 325027 
关键词:意外创伤者 创伤后成长 注意偏向 点探测任务 


Objective:To explore the characteristics of attention bias in accidentally injured patients with different levels of Posttraumatic growth(PTG).Methods: Total score of PTG was adopted to screen out 15 high-PTG group and lowPTG group respectively among accidentally injured patients.Dot probe task was used with positive, negative and neutral facial expression pictures as experimental materials.An experimental design of 2(facial expression: positive and negative)×2(consistency of probe point and facial expression: consistent and inconsistent)×2(PTG level: high and low) was employed.Results: Patients with low PTG level had attention bias toward the negative emotional stimuli, and difficulty in distraction from the negative emotional pictures.The value of D and DI were both significantly greater than 0(P0.05).Patients with high PTG level did not demonstrate significant attention bias toward positive or negative emotional stimuli.The responding time of patients with high PTG level was significantly shorter than that in patients with low PTG level in the incongruent task(P0.05).Conclusion: There are different characteristics of implicit cognitive processing in patients with different level of PTG, suggesting the necessity of psychological intervention on the accidentally injured patients.


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