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作者:朱金卫1 2  张艳琴1  黄会欣1  张锋1 
单位:1. 宁波大学心理学系  宁波 315211 
 陕西学前师范学院教育科学系  西安 710100 
关键词:焦虑诱发 解释偏向 歧义性信息 自我/他人相关情境 


Objective:To explore whether induced anxiety have causal effects on interpretative bias across self/other-related situations.Methods: In the investigation 1, threatening feedback was displayed to induce anxiety mood on non-anxious-personality participants and then they were asked to select a threatening or a non-threatening interpretation to a set of self-related ambiguous sentences.In the investigation 2, similar procedures were employed to investigate whether the interpretation bias induced by anxiety can be generalized across situations.Results: Compared with the control groups, the participants in anxiety-induced groups selected significantly more threatening interpretations in the self-and other-related situations.Conclusion: The anxiety induced by external pressure tinges the cognitive interpretation of ambiguous events with negative emotion, finally leading to strengthened threatening-oriented interpretative bias.


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