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作者:王丹1  张日昇2 
单位:1 兰州大学教育学院 兰州 730000 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 北京 100875 
关键词:团体箱庭疗法 心理复原力 大学生 干预研究 


Objective:To explore the process and effect of group sandplay therapy on psychological resilience of college students. Methods:The intervention group and the control group pre-test and post-test design were used in this study. Par ticipants were 19 freshmen who were chose by strict screening procedure. Totally 9 students were recruited in the interven tion group and 10 in the control group. The intervention group received group counseling for 8 times, including 6 times Group Sandplay Therapy. In the end of each Group Sandplay Therapy, participants were asked to fulfill a self-reflection questionnaire which includes 4 elements of psychological resilience. The control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups received the Ego Psychological Resilience Scale evaluation, UPI evaluation and sandplay evaluation before and after the experiment. Results: ①Paired samples T-test showed a significant intervention effect on the experiment group, but not the control group. ②Independent samples T-test found that there were no significant differences between the inter vention group and the control group in all three dimensions of sandplay evaluation and the total score in the pre-test, but in the post-test, it showed significant differences between two groups. ③Qualitative analysis were used to analyze the self-re flection questionnaire, showing that group sandplay therapy positively contribute to the improvement of the psychological re silience via the mediating effects of self-respect, stress coping, social support and interpersonal skills in the experiment group. Conclusion: Group sandplay therapy is a feasible way to improve psychological resilience of college students, in which the self-reflection may have an important moderating effects.


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